Donate to SierraRios


SierraRios is a 501(c)(3) charity and donations are tax-deductible. By donating to SierraRios, you will be helping to protect precious rivers around the world from damming and degradation, while also promoting sustainable uses and eco-friendly development among residents near each river. We need help for outreach, research, training local guides, funding villagers opposed to dams, and supporting projects like PaddlingWIthPurpose/RemandoJuntos! You can see below what your contribution will be applied toward.


Donations can be made by one of various methods outlined below. Be sure to send the director of SierraRios a message regarding your donation if you would like it directed to a particular cause. Ways to donate:

(1) Direct Bank Transfer: If you have a Wells Fargo branch near you, you can also make a deposit free of charge into the SierraRios nonprofit account # 6020 01 7171. This can be for any amount.

(2) Surepay: If you have a Wells Fargo, Bank of America, or Chase bank account, you can make a transfer online free of charge using SurePay to make a transfer to SierraRios nonprofit Wells Fargo account # 6020 01 7171. SurePay allows transfers of up to $2000 at a time.

(3) Check: make out to SierraRios nonprofit and mail to SierraRios Nonprofit, 5071 Constitution Rd., San Diego, CA 92117

(4) Transferwise: This transfer method usually has low fees, and is especially useful for international money transfers. Go to the Transferwise site and login (or create an account if you don't have one). Make the transfer to SierraRios nonprofit; Wells Fargo Bank [4725 Clairemont Dr.; San Diego, CA, 92117; 858-483-1395]; account name: SierraRios; account # 6020 01 7171 ; routing # 122 000 248

(5) Wire Transfer: For large international money transfers (from outside of the USA), this is the best method. Go to your bank, and request a wire transfer to the following account: Wells Fargo Bank; 4725 Clairemont Dr.; San Diego, CA, 92117; 858-483-1395; account name: SierraRios LLC; account # 6020 01 7171 ; SWIFT # WFBIUS6S .

(6) PayPal : make the transfer to

(7) Credit Card (via PayPal): Click on the button here:


Unless specified for a specific project, all donations to SierraRios go to the following:

(1) Support of communities against dams and contaminated rivers:
-to area residents to travel, organize, and make presentations about dam projects and their consequences

-support to help promote cleaner rivers: no trash dumping in or next to rivers/creeks; sewage treatment
-legal challenges against dam projects
-legal defense funds for villagers facing charges related to their defense of their village and the river

(2) Information-providing services about rivers and dams:
-writing/publishing/distributing guidebooks, pamphlets, articles
-outreach with emails/letters/advertising to inform the public about impending dams and their consequences
producing articles/photos/videos (e.g., Marañón Sin Represas; English version)
-arranging meetings with activists/government to advocate for clean free-flowing rivers

(3) Information-gathering activities
-research on dams and providing articles/photos/videos river exploration and documentation
meetings/interviews with residents and government officials knowledgable of the river and projects
web searches, library searches, maps, books on rivers

(4) Development of river appreciation
-funding instruction and trips to introduce citizens of various countries to the joy of river running (e.g. PWP)
-guide training programs to allow native residents to start working as river guides
-coordinating/organizing river clean-up trips

There are NO salaried individuals working for the non-profit (it's all volunteers). Donations go entirely toward the costs associated with the above activities. Standard contract rates may be paid to achieve some of the goals above.